Adobe Lightroom Vs Canon Dpp
Nov 21, 2014 Canon's DPP software comes with all Canon DSLRs, but I have never used them. Instead I use LR5.6. Can someone tell me the difference between the two and.

There was a test done comparing a range of the RAW processing options (I can't find it now annoyingly), but from what I recall they were all pretty much on an even footing with regard to the final quality. Small differences were present, but were often reliant upon specific kinds of lighting and shots and thus as a general approach no unified advantage was present. I think it was the DXO software that managed a slight edge in the end, but at its price point its just not a viable option over other software options for the average photographer, considering that the advantage was only slight.
Epson Bx300f Reset Software. Also I find DPP has a very, clunky interface. I've never gotten along with it and prefer Adobes interface for RAW processing overall.
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