Copy File To Network Printer Port

I have an Epson TM-T88V network printer. I can print to it using the printer driver. But I need to copy a 'print file' to the printer using the command line, and this causes problems. Oct 29, 2003 I know that for printing to a printer directly connected to the computer lpt1 port, the command is 'copy filename.prn lpt1/b' but how do I print to a network.
• C:>copy test.txt >com0 In your code, you missed redirection operator '>'. You might be amazed why I redirected the contents of test.txt to com0 and so read on.
Are you sure that your printer is connected to com12? IMO, there are only 10 com ports (ranging from com0 to com9) to which data can actually be redirected in windows OSes. I don't think you can redirect data to com12 because windows thinks that you are redirecting to a file named com12 and not device 'com12'. You should either connect your printer to a com port between com0 to com9 or you should try some different approach. But then, I may be wrong too as I am not sure.
Hope this helps.
I thought that USB002 is your printer port. Sorry for the confusion. First you need to map your printer to any of avilable printer port.
To do that follow the step as given below 1. Open the Printer Property Page.
Go to the share / sharing tab. Check the Share button and give the one printer share name, and click on ok. Open the Command Prompt CMD 4. Excute the given command 5. Net use lpt1: computername printersharename /persistent:yes Here you are actually directly the lpt1 printer port to your USB print. No Battery Is Detected Vista Hp Printer. /persistent:yes means to map every time you login so no need to run this command every time. Hp 50g How To Install Programs In Linux.
After doing so you can easily run the dos command. COPY /B test.txt LPT1. When answering a question please: • Read the question carefully. • Understand that English isn't everyone's first language so be lenient of bad spelling and grammar. • If a question is poorly phrased then either ask for clarification, ignore it, or edit the question and fix the problem.
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