Drivers Epson Dfx 8500 Printhead
Gary: There are two common problems that cause the 'E4' Error on an Epson DFX-8500: #1 An Encoder Error: Usually caused by a failing Encoder Sensor thats mounted on the bottom of the Printhead Assembly. There is a Encoder/Sensor Strip that runs thru that sensor.
That strip is an almost clear strip of plastic, that is running just under the printhead assembly and just below the Carriage Bar that goes thru that Printhead Holder Assembly. Hp 8710w Pci Serial Port Driver there. That strip has tiny encoder dots on it that are read by the sensor as it slides over that strip. If that encoder strip is knocked out of the encoder sensor, then that can also cause a service error condition.

Epson DFX-8500 Spare Parts. Is your Epson DFX-8500 printer in need of repair? Sinca Printers Parts & Repair carries the full line of Epson Spare Parts to help you get back up and running and back to your time critical tasks as early as the next day!
Open the Top Cover, remove the ribbon cartridge and push the printhead assembly over to the far right. Using a flashlight, look under the printhead assembly and you should be able to see the encoder sensor. The encoder strip should be running thru the slot or opening in that sensor assembly, if its in the correct position. Usually what happens is that the encoder strip gets knocked out of the slot in that sensor and then you get a service error condition. Program Stock Barang Php To Usd there. If that strip was actually out of place, then carefully insert that plactic encoder strip back into the slot in that encoder sensor. Replace the ribbon cartridge, close the top cover and turn on the power switch.
That service error should then be gone, unless you have another problem. Of course its possible that the actual sensor is failing, especially if that encoder strip is actually running thru that sensor correctly.#2 A Carriage Lock Error: Usually caused by a failing 'Rear Cover Interlock Switch'. Look for a metal protrusion, on the lower back left corner of the Top Cover Assembly. That protrusion goes thru a slot and pushes in on a metal arm on that microswitch, causing it to close. That lets the printer actually know the top cover is closed for safety and allows the printer to power up.