Epson R300 Factory Reset

I bought 15 R200 printers and installed them on 2 shelves and run them all together. Every week I have 1 printer showing the unfamous 'wasted ink pad' full. That means the ink led and paper led are flashing alternatly and the on led is off. Epson doesn't want to tell me how to reset the printer but do a free exchange each time I have this error. I jsut loose my time but get a new printer each time with a new set of cartridges I will sell soon on eBay. Mitsubishi Electric Mwk Pdf Printer. At this rhythm they will change each R200 20 times before the warranty will end. Does anybody know how to reset this printer?
Yusuf Tavasli Tam Dua Kitabi Pdf Printer. It will save me a lot of time. By the way I did 300,000 CD print with an old modified Epson 860 I bought for $100.
Problem with epson R3000 can I do factory reset?? Started May 3, 2014. Problem with epson R3000 can I do factory reset?? Launch the Epson Ink Pad Reset Utility and select the function for 'Ink monitor.' Step Set the levels to '0' by typing '0' in those fields.
That means if their new printers would have less sensors it would certainly do the job. Thanks for your help. Ian: When the 'Power Light' is off and the 'Paper Light' & 'Ink Light' are both blinking fast [0.1 sec's on + 0.1 sec's off], that indicates a FATAL ERROR service condition. This error is detected when: #1 The 'Carriage Unit' cannot move correctly by the external force in each operation, or #2 The 'Paper Feed Motor' cannot rotate correctly while the paper feed motor operates. The two most common causes of the fatal error is a dirty & or dry 'Carriage Assembly' & a dirty 'Encoder Strip/Sensor Strip'.
You should clean & service those two areas just to eliminate those common problems and see if it helps or not.GENERAL INFO #1, CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY: Although it's possible your printer has an electronic or mechanical failure, the most common problem is that the 'Carriage Assembly' is simply DIRTY and or DRY, causing it to stick and make noises. That usually results in the printer loosing track of just where the 'Print Cartridge Holder Assembly' is actually at and that can cause the error light/led to come on. Sometimes when the printer looses track of where that assembly is at, it then keeps telling that assembly to keep moving and can even cause it to slam into the end of the printer. Try wiping off all around the round metal carriage bar or shaft [that the print cartridge holder assembly moves back-n-forth on], with a lint free cloth. Also clean the outside of the metal bushings with q-tips, that the carriage bar passes thru, on both sides of the print cartridge holder assembly.
You can also use alcohol on the cloth, if there is a lot of build-up on the carriage shaft/bar. Then grease the metal bar on both sides of the holder assembly, slightly with the appropriate grease thats used on some of the newer models. The 'R200' & 'R210' use a #G63 Grease, which is epson part #1218320. That epson part number info is probably not that valuable, unless you want to order that particular grease. Blitzkrieg Commander Rulebook Pdf Printer. Just in case you are interested in ordering that grease, you can check with Compass Micro, Inc, located. Its possible that the designation of 'G63' may be a particular grade of grease, that you can possibly find at a automotive or hardware store, but you would have to actually check to find out. Manually slide the holder assembly back and forth to spread out the lubrication and wipe of any excess grease or blackish build-up that appears on the bar.