Hp Pre Installed Programs Disappear

It's a HP laptop that has come with alot of software pre-installed, i restored the factory settings yesterday and removed as much of their software as possible to see it it helps. Will check the programs over the next week to see what happens. I just got a new HP a6532f Vista Desktop. I would like to know what programs that came pre-installed I will not need and can safely remove. I got the desktop fr.
Hi Ramesh Thanks for responding The problem first happened in June 2010, i lost google chrome and couldn't reinstall. I noticed it again yesterday and used system restore to rollback until the earliest saved date - 18th Sept. It hasn't fixed the issue. I basically lose the applications - for example i can see the itunes folder and it contain files but not the itunes.exe I have to reinstall the software to get it to work. This has also happened to adobe photoshop 8, chrome and a number of games. There is another thread on this forum that seems to be the same issue ( ) sadly there is no solution posted yet! Hello GordonMacD, Have you scanned recently for Malware?
It sounds like a virus may be causing your programs to disappear. I suggest you run one or more antivirus to see if you have any viruses that could be causing your problem. If you don 't have antivirus installed, then I suggest you install one.
Microsoft Security Essentials is a good antivirus and it is free. Have your run any registry cleaners? Tvs Msp 455 Xl Classic Printer Driver. They could also be the cause of problems with programs disappearing. If your programs are gone, the only way to get them back is to reinstall them. Please reply back with an update. Download Driver Printer Canon Pixma Mp237 Gratis more. Sincerely, Marilyn Microsoft Answers Support Engineer Visit our and let us know what you think.
So you just bought a new computer and can’t wait to start using it right? So you fire up that bad boy eagerly awaiting the cool new features and instantaneous loading of programs with a single click of the mouse, but what do you get? Annoyingly and shockingly, your new computer boots up and greets you with popup ads, lots of shortcuts to useless programs and useless services with enough icons on your desktop to fill up half the screen on your new widescreen display! It’s 2014 and the only computer I have bought that doesn’t have any bloatware on it is the Google Chromebook. Otherwise, HP, Dell, Toshiba and to a lesser degree Lenovo too, all install a lot of software you simply don’t need. Before you can even click on anything, your computer is automatically connecting to the Internet to download the latest updates for all of the trial anti-virus or anti-spyware software and speaking out alerts to you about dangers you didn’t even know existed! So your new computer experience has now turned into the software equivalent of computer hell.
Just to uninstall all of those applications manually would take several hours depending on how many pre-loaded applications there are. Instead of wasting time doing it yourself, you can use software specifically designed to get rid of crapware automatically. In this article, I’ll mention a couple of programs, both free and paid, that do a great job and can even be used later on, not just when you first buy a computer. PC Decrapifier One really nifty program called, which is free and very easy to use, is one of my favorites. It’s been around for a really long time and it works with every version of Windows from Windows 2000 all the way up to Windows 8. PC Decrapifier was written by people like yourself who became annoyed at the fact that big companies like Dell, HP, Toshiba, Gateway, etc sell advertising space on new computers so that they can make more money at your expense. PC Decrapifier will find the “crap” on your computer, allow you to choose what you would like uninstalled, and then automatically start removing each application.