Maven Install Skip Unit Tests With Phpunit
I found the problem, it is in Maven.php file from the maven for php plugin. On line 26 you have: $arguments[' xmlLogfile']=$targetFile; For PHPUnit versions newer than 3.3.9 you should have $arguments[' junitLogfile']=$targetFile; The name of 'xmlLogFile' argument changed to 'junitLogFile' from version 3.4.0 on. I hope the maven for php guys will make the correction asap. Until then you have to checkout the plugin source from here: Modify the Maven. Free Hp Psc 1110 Driver. php file as described above and run a 'mvn install' from the /src dir - this will install the modified maven for php plugin locally and you will be able to work with it.

Open the Unit Testing tab. The paths to your PHPUnit and Skeleton Generator scripts should appear. Or Maven projects. To run Selenium tests on PHP, you need to. Hp 3115 Drivers more. Canon Ef 70-300 Is Usm Manual. Run/Debug Configuration: PHPUnit. This feature is supported in the Ultimate edition only. Hp Regulatory Model Fclsd 0508 Manual Lawn. Use this dialog box to create a configuration to be used for running and debugging unit tests on PHP applications in the console using the PHPUnit framework.