Hp-ux Iscsi Software Initiator
A software initiator uses code to implement iSCSI. Free Download Contoh Tiket Online Bus Php Mysql. Initiator, Target HP-UX: 2003-10. Hp Laserjet 3055 Pcl5 Driver For Windows 7 32 Bit here. RFC 3721 - Internet Small Computer Systems Interface. Dec 08, 2008 The Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator enables connection of a Windows host to an external iSCSI storage array using Ethernet NICs. This download can be installed on Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000.
I cannot speak to the LeftHand, but broadly speaking, APA offers the ability to select from several different packet scheduling algorithms - among them are those based on MAC/Ethernet address, IP address and TCP port number. The inbound path is controlled by the packet scheduling algorithm being used by the switch. So, to get more than one NIC used to a LUN, that LUN needs to be reachable via either more than one MAC address, or more than one IP address, or more than one TCP connection. Then APA will spread the write traffic across multiple NICs in the aggregate. For read traffic (aka inbound from the perspective of the host) it will depend entirely on the switch. To add onto what Rick said, you need multiple TCP connections between the iSCSI initiator and the iSCSI target if you hope to take advantage of multiple physical links in an APA aggregate. HP-UX currently only supports the Software-based iSCSI Initiator.
I don't know enough about how iSCSI works to know if it's possible to configure multiple TCP connections to a single iSCSI target, but looking at the iSCSI manual it states: Connections per Session The iSCSI Software Initiator supports one connection per session (an iSCSI session is equivalent to a SCSI I-T nexus). Again, I don't know if by 'one connection per session' that equates to 'one TCP connection' or not, but I couldn't find anything iron clad in the documentation that shows how to control the number of TCP connections opened between the initiator and target.
Putting on my dusty old NFS hat, HP-UX *does* allow the ability to open multiple TCP connections between an HP-UX NFS client and an NFS server, thus allowing NFS to take advantage of multiple adapters in an APA aggregate. Food for thought.

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• This is the latest version of the Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator. The Microsoft iSCSI Software Initiator enables connection of a Windows host to an external iSCSI storage array using Ethernet NICs. E Pos Thermal Printer Drivers Download more. This download can be installed on Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000. For Vista and Windows Server 2008, the iSCSI initiator is included inbox.